Why I Love the Rich

| January 31, 2010

For most of my career, I have dealt with the rich. I’ve created publications for, written books about, and penned countless articles for magazines about the rich and powerful. I have written The Richest Man in Town where I interviewed the richest man or woman in town in 100 American cities to determine the shared [...]

The American Dream Is Alive, Damn It

| March 25, 2009

Don’t get me wrong—I know that people are hurting financially. It’s devastating that our 401(k)s have lost half their value. It hurts to see the unemployment numbers growing. I get it—uncertainty is unpleasant. But the only certainty in life is, well, uncertainty. Let’s drop the doom-mongering and do something productive. The three most important words in America are Go To Work. This may be the perfect time to build your own company—your own American dream. It may be the perfect time to reassess your life and your profession. At the very minimum, use this time to assess your talents, skills, and passions. Take Maya Angelou’s wise advice: “Pursue the things you love doing, and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off you.” I think you’ll see the American Dream in all its vivid colors.